Meeting date: 
Monday, October 30, 2023

Alford Historic District Commission

Board Meeting October 30, 2023


Present:  Tricia Bevan, James Hall, Alice Halsted, Shirley Mueller, Ruth Seidler, Julie Scott.  Carol Saginaw (by Zoom.)


I:  Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.


II: Approval of Minutes: 

Minutes from the previous AHDC Meeting, August 29th, 2023, were unanimously approved.  

Carol Saginaw was welcomed as our new member.


III: “Winter Lights” Dec 2nd , 5 – 6 p.m.:

A letter was sent to the Select Board asking for authorization to purchase 3 fresh cut trees.  With future landscaping as part of the Site Plan still not determined, it is thought that it is best to wait before purchasing live trees.

Members are asked to seek musical entertainment to accompany the lighting event.  Several suggestions were made and members will follow up.

Guido’s cider donuts will be purchased if still available. 

Ruth will the responsible for the cider.

Extra lights are available for any that failed.  Tricia will bring some luminaria.

Tricia will rework the Alford Assist flyer and send it out three times before the event.


IV    250th Anniversary of Incorporation:

Alice Halsted, Tricia Bevan and Shirley Mueller attended the first meeting of a group of Alford residents interested in organizing a 250th Birthday Celebration for Alford. Alice, Tricia and Shirley agreed to help the group with certain aspects of an event that they knew would be helpful, but made it clear that the AHDC would only function in an advisory capacity as needed once the Select Board has agreed to a plan presented by the group. 


V:  New Business: 

Jim will ask EDM for an update on the status of the Site Plan.


VI:  Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.