AHDC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, December 29, 2023

Alford Historic District Commission

Friday, December 29, 2023, 3 p.m.

Town Hall and by Zoom


Present:  Alice Halsted, Shirley Mueller and T.J. Horrigan in the Town Hall.  

Tricia Bevan, Jim Hall, Julie Scott, Carol Saginaw by Zoom.

            Absent:  Ruth Seidler


I.         Call to Order:  Meeting was called to order at 3:07 p.m.


II.        Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved.


III.      “Winter Lights:”


There was a malfunction of one set of lights on the maple tree in front of the Center Cemetery which required T. J. to call on the services of a company with a cherry picker to install a new set. This service call cost $935.  


All present appreciated the work done by the Highway Dept. which made the town look so festive. T. J. noted that there may be additional changes needed in future years as the maples continue to grow. This extra cost will have to be factored into our budget.


It was noted that we had more local children at “Winter Lights” this year than in previous years. It was suggested that we consider an activity involving children and their parents for next year.


IV.      ADA Access Plan:  


Tricia, Jim and Julie met with the architect and EDM to discuss their most recent plan for 

ADA access to the town offices. EDM continues their deed search for this project. It was reported that this aspect of the project has turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Further research and options continue to be explored by the Select Board. 


            The AHDC requested to see some alternatives to the brushed concrete suggested by the architect for the pathways and ADA ramp up to the School House. Stamped concrete, brick or stone work would be more appropriate with the historic nature of the buildings and its setting.  EDM will price some alternatives for consideration.


            The Commission discussed general thoughts regarding the layout, proposed tree removal, and more. 


            T. J. requested that only one of the three members assigned to oversee the Site Plans attend meetings with the architect and engineers. The three members will decide among themselves who will attend future meetings. 


V.        250th Celebration: